Wednesday, November 12, 2008

Jabalpur, Gwalior in Madhya pradesh

Gwalior Kachwahas and Tomars have left indelible etching of their rule in this city of palaces, temples and monuments. The magnificent momentoes of a glorious past have been preserved with care, giving Gwalior a unique and timeless appeal. The ancient capital of Gwalior is steeped in the splendour of its past. A multitude of regning dynasties, of the great Rajput clans of the Pratiharas.

Jabalpur pleasure resort and capital of the gond kings during the 12th century, jabalpur was later the seat of the kalchuri dynasty. The Marathas held sway over jabalpur until 1817, when the Brritish wrested it from them and left their impression on the spacious cantonment with its colonial residences and barracks. Today jabalpur is an important administrative centre, abustle with commercial activity.

Kanha, Madhya Pradesh TourismThe Kanha National Park, in Madhya Pradesh, forms the core of the Kanha Tiger Reserve created in 1974, under Project Tiger. Stretching over 940 sq km, the vegetation, chiefly made of sal and bamboo forests, grasslands and streams, this park is the sole habitat of the rare hardground barasingha.

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